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Menopause Made Easy Podcast #65 The Energetic Electrician with Vicki Reeve

podcast Feb 02, 2024

Vicki and I are diving into all things energy today - this is a topic that I love talking about!

We dive into:

  • Landline vs cell phone and how we can energetically communicate
  • Big shock trauma & major/minor conflicts
  • Fear of the unknown and scarcity which I've termed fearcity!
  • Heart walls and other walls for protection
  • Protection mechanisms
  • Energy & Menopause - energetic component of hormones, sexual issues, gland issues and nest conflicts
  • Subconscious vs Conscious
  • Why we want to hang on to grief & loss
  • Energy is our biggest commodity
  • Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins/map of consciousness/survive to thrive
  • How to engage in higher vibrational activities vs lower ones
  • Pain is low vibration
  • Old age is a myth
  • Low back pain
  • Offensive Energies
  • How to use anger, shame, fear and anxiety to propel us forward


Vicki can be reached at, 705-927-6405 or [email protected] for further information or to book a session.


Listen on spotify, apple and you tube >> 

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Please don't judge me on my social media!! I spend most of my time with clients and getting results for them instead of curating and perfecting my social media!

Finally, I humble request: If you love my podcast, please let me a review (it's how others will find it), please subscribe and share with your gal pals - much appreciated and healthy hugs!!

I look forward to seeing you inside the 5 day stronger to the core challenge

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