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Best Skin EVER - Everything you ever want to know

skincare sugar Oct 24, 2020

This blog is full of everything you want to know to have the best skin ever. You may see that I repeat myself as I need to edit this blog but for now just skip my repeats!!


As I'm rapidly approaching 50 (now I'm over 50!!) , I'm paying more attention to my skin and yes, comparing myself to others. Now, you can totally do what you want in regards to botox, surgery or anything of the like, but for now, I'm choosing the most natural ways to keep my skin looking as youthful as possible and if that's what you want as well, keep reading.


What we cover today:


1. This one thing we eat is aging us

2. What you put on your skin matters

3. Use this roller


When I was younger I really didn't pay much attention to my skin (or how I was feeding it inside and out) but in the last few years, I have noticed wrinkles appearing and it got my attention to start paying better attention to my skin.


Years ago I tossed out all of my make-up and skin care after I learned how the skin care I was using was contributing to the demise of my face and health. You can read more about that here.


Let's start with the one habit that may be wreaking havoc on your skin and your health!!



It's one I consumed for years and the crazy thing is, the side effects don't show up over night so we think we are getting away with having this extra sugar in our diets. I know that for decades I thought I was invincible to any negative effect of sugar and you can read all about how addicted I was to eating sugar & overeating and how I finally got a hold of this situation in my book, Cookie Dough in the Dark. 


And even though a single sugary treat won’t kill you, regularly eating high-sugar foods makes you vulnerable to awful health and wellness consequences. From fatigue and weight gain to dull, acne-prone skin, sugar wreaks havoc on your body. 




Sugar is the man behind the mask responsible for breaking down the collagen and elastin in your skin, but how much do you really understand about sugar’s role in your body? How does sugar cause inflammation?


Simply put, sugars are sweet carbohydrates that provide energy for the body. Unrefined sugars are the “safer” natural sugars found in fruits, vegetables, and legumes. They can break down to fuel your body properly. 


Refined and processed sugars, on the other hand, can’t provide stable energy. They’re added to desserts, sodas, and white breads for taste, ultimately spiking your blood sugar and giving you the temporary rush of a “sugar high”.


The average American eats about 57 pounds of added sugar annually, which is flat out crazy. Especially considering Americans ate just four pounds of sugar annually in the 18th century. It’s no wonder that we are suffering from the effects of sugar overload! 


Sugar itself is not poisonous, but it acts like a poison in the body when eaten in such large quantities. These are just a few of the dangerous effects of excessive sugar intake:


Weight gain
Increased risk of diabetes
Increased risk of heart disease
Nutrient deficiency
The mood and energy “crash” after initial sugar rush
Prematurely aging skin


These health issues are actually our body’s way of shouting that you need to change your habits. If you can cut the amount of sugar you eat and drink on a regular basis, you can stop inflammatory damage to your body before it has a chance to begin. 




Your body quickly breaks down carbohydrates from sources like bread, potatoes, and fruit into glucose. This simple sugar is absorbed into the intestines and then transported to the bloodstream. As soon as glucose hits your bloodstream, messengers send insulin to carry that glucose into cells throughout your body. 


In small amounts, this is an important and life-sustaining process. Insulin helps glucose provide essential energy to your muscles, fat, liver, and other critical cells.


So how does sugar cause inflammation?


It's all about sugar in excess. 


Most of us eat processed and high-sugar foods with every meal, often without realizing it! Even flavored yogurt, barbecue sauce, and salad dressing are culprits. All of those sugars convert into glucose and force our insulin levels spike beyond what is natural or healthy. 


These spikes of insulin act like bullets of inflammation traveling through your body. Just imagine a sugar bullet ricocheting randomly around your tissues and organs. The damage becomes increasingly worse with every “sugar bullet” until your immune system turns on itself and starts damaging healthy cells. 


If you’re about to drink a soda with 48 grams of sugar, think of that beverage as 48 grams of inflammation instead. That’s 48 grams of self-destruction that leads to side effects like depression, fatigue, constipation, weight gain, and diabetes. How much do you want that soda now?




Your skin isn’t excluded from the damage that sugar causes your body. Most notably, the inflammation induced by sugar quickly destroys the elastin and collagen in your skin. Considering that elastin and collagen are (literally!) the foundation of youthful, attractive skin, you shouldn’t take this lightly. 


You can think of collagen as a mattress in the middle layer of your skin. The surface of your skin is the bedsheet. As long as collagen production remains consistent, the “mattress” is always full and strong to support a taut “bedsheet”.  You can imagine the consequences of decreased collagen production — droopy, wrinkled skin that adds five or ten years to your appearance. 


Elastin, meanwhile, helps give structure to your skin so that it maintains a youthful elastic response. When your skin lacks the elastin it needs, it can’t bounce back from the effects of gravity, time, toxins, and expressions. Instead, it just sags and wrinkles in defeat. 


So how do sugar and inflammation influence collagen and elastin?


Eating sugar triggers inflammation, which in turn initiates a damaging process called glycation. The byproducts of glycation attack collagen and elastin, aggressively paving the way for unwanted signs of prematurely aging skin.  




Glycation occurs when the sugar in your bloodstream bonds to proteins or fats to create advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Your body is equipped with natural mechanisms to eliminate toxic AGEs, but if you eat and drink too much sugar, your body can’t eliminate AGEs quickly enough. Instead, the AGEs accumulate and trigger oxidative stress and inflammation. 


Research has linked high levels of AGEs with many conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, and Alzheimer’s.

Now we know that glycation and AGEs also cause skin damage. 


Collagen and elastin are proteins, so they’ve vulnerable to the effects of glycation. As soon as you digest sugar, the sugar molecules attach to the collagen and protein in your skin. Through glycation, AGEs emerge and stimulate inflammation within your skin.


The more inflammation that exists, the less blood flow and detoxification of the tissues. Toxic buildup creates more inflammation, and the cycle of damage continues until it becomes visible through changes like acne, wrinkles, laxity, dull skin tone, and other imperfections. 


To make matters worse, we naturally produce less collagen and elastin as we age anyway!


When you combine the natural consequences of aging with the accelerated collagen and elastin damage caused by AGEs, you end up with seriously damaged skin. 


Unfortunately, your current skin care routine probably takes this terrible situation and makes it even worse.


So how can you stop the cycle of damage, shield your skin from the wrath of sugar, and revitalize your complexion? I’m here to help you, and the solution is surprisingly easy!





Your skin consists of two main parts called the epidermis and the dermis. 


The epidermis is the surface layer of skin you can see and feel. It’s meant to protect all underlying tissues and define your appearance. Your skin cells, pigments, and proteins are all located in the epidermis. 


The dermis, on the other hand, is the thickest layer of skin that sits under the epidermis. It’s responsible for lending your skin its strength, support, and flexibility. Blood vessels, oil glands, and nerves all sit in the dermis to help provide nutrients to the epidermis above. 


Both the epidermis and dermis also contain critical connective tissues known as collagen and elastin fibers. Youthful, healthy skin boasts ongoing collagen and elastin production to keep the fibers strong, firm, and flexible. 




It’d be great to keep your perfect baby smooth skin forever, but the skin inevitably experiences changes that damage and diminish its appearance. 


One of the most important and influential structural changes involves collagen and elastin.


From the time that you hit your 20th birthday, your skin produces less collagen and elastin every year.


This loss continues mercilessly over time, impacting your skin’s ability to heal itself and remain firm and taut. 

If that wasn’t bad enough, your remaining collagen and elastin become vulnerable to clumpy, chaotic organization within the dermis and epidermis. This stretches your skin’s structure and creates the dreaded droopy effect. 


As I quickly approach 50, I am seeing the years of dietary lifestyle abuse on my face!!  I wish I could say that I don't eat any sugar at all, but that's not the case. But I can say, I eat far less and don't have the same emotional connection to it that I once did. And that having reduced my intake has definitely had a positive effect on my health, skin and blood sugar levels!


I know that my skin (with the help of the natural products I also use, click here) has helped to rebuild and rebalance it and that alot of peeps say I look great for my age. 




DEHYDRATED SKIN (water-based skincare makes this worse and causes moisture loss.  Furthermore, the harsh chemicals and lab-made ingredients dehydrate the skin even more).  Dehydrated skin looks wrinkled and lifeless.

MUSCLE LOSS: As we age, our facial muscle atrophy and causes “droopy” and “saggy” skin on our face.  Skin care products do not work on muscle tone and are ineffective on this cause of aging.

DECREASED BLOOD FLOW: As we age, blood flow naturally declines and toxic build-up can accumulate in the skin makes it appear lifeless, sallow and discolored.  It also reduces the number of nutrients that are delivered to the skin structures 

DECREASED COLLAGEN PRODUCTION: As we age we don’t produce as much collagen in our skin.  When collagen levels are high, the skin is soft, smooth, and firm. Collagen helps the skin cells renew and repair themselves. Collagen also helps keep the skin moist.  Loss of collagen production is natural and not addressed with skincare products.

DECREASED ELASTIN PRODUCTION:  Our skin also produces less elastin as we get older.  Loss of elastin prevents your skin from “bouncing back” to its original shape- think droopy and thin skin.  Again, skincare products do not address this cause of aging.


Let’s take a deeper look at sugar, the sneaky culprit that’s aging your skin by breaking down collagen and elastin. 




Sugar is the man behind the mask responsible for breaking down the collagen and elastin in your skin, but how much do you really understand about sugar’s role in your body? How does sugar cause inflammation?


Simply put, sugars are sweet carbohydrates that provide energy for the body. Unrefined sugars are the “safer” natural sugars found in fruits, vegetables, and legumes. They can break down to fuel your body properly. 


Refined and processed sugars, on the other hand, can’t provide stable energy. They’re added to desserts, sodas, and white breads for taste, ultimately spiking your blood sugar and giving you the temporary rush of a “sugar high”.


The average American eats about 57 pounds of added sugar annually, which is flat out crazy. Especially considering Americans ate just four pounds of sugar annually in the 18th century. It’s no wonder that we are suffering from the effects of sugar overload! 


Sugar itself is not poisonous, but it acts like a poison in the body when eaten in such large quantities. These are just a few of the dangerous effects of excessive sugar intake:


  • Weight gain
  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • The mood and energy “crash” after initial sugar rush
  • Prematurely aging skin


These health issues are actually our body’s way of shouting that you need to change your habits. If you can cut the amount of sugar you eat and drink on a regular basis, you can stop inflammatory damage to your body before it has a chance to begin. 




Your body quickly breaks down carbohydrates from sources like bread, potatoes, and fruit into glucose. This simple sugar is absorbed into the intestines and then transported to the bloodstream. As soon as glucose hits your bloodstream, messengers send insulin to carry that glucose into cells throughout your body. 


In small amounts, this is an important and life-sustaining process. Insulin helps glucose provide essential energy to your muscles, fat, liver, and other critical cells.


So how does sugar cause inflammation?


It's all about sugar in excess. 


Most of us eat processed and high-sugar foods with every meal, often without realizing it! Even flavored yogurt, barbecue sauce, and salad dressing are culprits. All of those sugars convert into glucose and force our insulin levels spike beyond what is natural or healthy. 


These spikes of insulin act like bullets of inflammation traveling through your body. Just imagine a sugar bullet ricocheting randomly around your tissues and organs. The damage becomes increasingly worse with every “sugar bullet” until your immune system turns on itself and starts damaging healthy cells. 


If you’re about to drink a soda with 48 grams of sugar, think of that beverage as 48 grams of inflammation instead. That’s 48 grams of self-destruction that leads to side effects like depression, fatigue, constipation, weight gain, and diabetes. How much do you want that soda now?




Your skin isn’t excluded from the damage that sugar causes your body. Most notably, the inflammation induced by sugar quickly destroys the elastin and collagen in your skin. Considering that elastin and collagen are (literally!) the foundation of youthful, attractive skin, you shouldn’t take this lightly. 


You can think of collagen as a mattress in the middle layer of your skin. The surface of your skin is the bedsheet. As long as collagen production remains consistent, the “mattress” is always full and strong to support a taut “bedsheet”.  You can imagine the consequences of decreased collagen production — droopy, wrinkled skin that adds five or ten years to your appearance. 


Elastin, meanwhile, helps give structure to your skin so that it maintains a youthful elastic response. When your skin lacks the elastin it needs, it can’t bounce back from the effects of gravity, time, toxins, and expressions. Instead, it just sags and wrinkles in defeat. 


So how do sugar and inflammation influence collagen and elastin?


Eating sugar triggers inflammation, which in turn initiates a damaging process called glycation. The byproducts of glycation attack collagen and elastin, aggressively paving the way for unwanted signs of prematurely aging skin.  




Glycation occurs when the sugar in your bloodstream bonds to proteins or fats to create advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Your body is equipped with natural mechanisms to eliminate toxic AGEs, but if you eat and drink too much sugar, your body can’t eliminate AGEs quickly enough. Instead, the AGEs accumulate and trigger oxidative stress and inflammation. 


Research has linked high levels of AGEs with many conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, and Alzheimer’s.

Now we know that glycation and AGEs also cause skin damage. 


Collagen and elastin are proteins, so they’ve vulnerable to the effects of glycation. As soon as you digest sugar, the sugar molecules attach to the collagen and protein in your skin. Through glycation, AGEs emerge and stimulate inflammation within your skin.


The more inflammation that exists, the less blood flow and detoxification of the tissues. Toxic buildup creates more inflammation, and the cycle of damage continues until it becomes visible through changes like acne, wrinkles, laxity, dull skin tone, and other imperfections. 


To make matters worse, we naturally produce less collagen and elastin as we age anyway!


When you combine the natural consequences of aging with the accelerated collagen and elastin damage caused by AGEs, you end up with seriously damaged skin. 


Unfortunately, your current skin care routine probably takes this terrible situation and makes it even worse.


So how can you stop the cycle of damage, shield your skin from the wrath of sugar, and revitalize your complexion? I’m here to help you, and the solution is surprisingly easy!




I can help you restore your beauty and radiance by rebuilding the internal structures of your skin including collagen and elastin. If you can commit to the tips below, firm, youthful skin can be yours once again. 




Your journey to better skin really needs to start here, with the way you nourish your body. All the skincare products in the world can’t overcome a high-sugar diet. 


Even if you aren’t ready to cut sugar entirely, even a modest reduction of your sugar intake will reduce internal inflammation, minimize the production of destructive enzymes, and protect existing collagen and elastin. 


I know that steering clear of sugar isn’t easy. There’s a reason that experts say sugar is just as addictive as recreational drugs! Try these tips to alleviate your sugar cravings:


  • Eat nourishing and satisfying whole foods like almonds or a hard-boiled egg
  • Sip on tea
  • Stay hydrated
  • Create new habits; replace your after-dinner dessert with a walk
  • Consume more probiotic-rich options like kombucha and tempeh to cut cravings
  • Chew on high-quality pork rinds or another salty snack 
  • Team up with a buddy to hold yourself accountable


You might be surprised to realize how awesome you feel without so much sugar around to antagonize your internal systems. You’ll have more energy, lose weight, and feel rejuvenated!



What happens to your soups, dressings, sauces when you add 75% more water than the recipe calls for? It tastes awful and you reduce the nutritional content of the food. Well, that’s exactly what happens when you use watered-down skincare.  

But it gets worse. When you apply a face serum or moisturizer that lists water as its first or second ingredient, the water pulls moisture out of your skin and dehydrates it- like a plum shrinking into a prune. 

Water-based skin care products also disrupt the natural sebum oils on your skin. They are meant to secrete sebum, moisturize and protect your skin, and nurture healthy bacteria that keep your skin healthy. Unfortunately, skin care products formulated with water strip the sebum from your face and destroy that delicate microbiome. 

That’s right… the water in your skincare is sabotaging your beauty.  


By rolling the jade tool over fine lines and face meridian points (pictured above) it can help refine pores, reduce wrinkles, tone facial muscles, improve circulation, reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eyes, and increase lymphatic drainage.

Do you know that certain areas of the face (meridians) correspond to areas of the body and energy zones?  By treating the face with the energy of a natural jade roller, your corresponding body and energetic systems will receive some love too.

Work over each meridian points as indicated in the above photo with your jade face roller to stimulate and clear energy channels.

Who Is Using A Jade Roller? From top beauty bloggers and vloggers to celebrities including Meghan Markle and Rachael Ray, all swear by the ancient Chinese tool for its ability to tone, de-puff and brighten facial skin.

When: After you wash your face.

How Often?  Daily is best- twice daily is even better.  Since it takes less than 3 minutes, it's easy to fit in.  Use it both morning and night to remove morning puffy-face and nighttime stress.  Jade stays cool to the touch and reduces excess fluid in your tissue for younger, more vibrant skin.




6 Chemicals You Need to DITCH Today

Maybe you have low energy, maybe you are overweight, maybe you have skin issues?

Is there a link between what you put on your skin and how you are feeling?




Take your phone into your bathroom and have a quick look at the ingredients of your skin and hair care products. If they contain any of the following 6, think about making the switch to healthier safer skin and hair care products. 


A client of mine was feeling blah, low energy and couldn't get rid of her last 10 lbs. She had cleaned up her diet, tweaked her exercise and then we looked at her skin care products using the EWG and ThinkDirty apps. Many were red! If you haven't used these apps, a red means the product is dirty. Yellow is caution, green is clean.

By the way, there's no way to know what is in your products from the manufacturer's website so please use the apps above.  A lot of products may also contain gluten that could be negatively affecting you.


Why is it SO difficult to know if your products are safe?


Because the FDA does not regulate skincare, almost any ingredient can be incorporated in a formula, some of them being dangerous to your health.


A lot of ingredients found in traditional skincare products (face washes, lotions, sunscreen, etc) have now been linked to health issues such as allergies, eczema, cancer, hormonal disruption, and reproductive problems. So yes your skincare can make you sick!


You want to feed your skin nutrients, not poison.


Here's the top 6 chemicals you need to ditch from your routine today.


Toxic metal that can have estrogen-like effects your body, disrupting the healthy functioning of the endocrine system.

Found in: lipsticks, foundations, concealers, eye shadow.


Butylatedhydroxy Anisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene
Synthetic antioxidants used to extend shelf life. They are likely carcinogens and hormone disruptors and may cause liver damage.

Found in: lipsticks, moisturizers, foundation, blushes, concealers.


Synthetic flavor or fragrance
An engineered scent or flavoring agent that may contain any combination of 3,000-plus stock chemical ingredients, including hormone disruptors and allergens. Fragrance formulas are protected under federal law’s classification of trade secrets and therefore can remain undisclosed to you.

Found in: all types of cosmetics and personal care products.


Parabens (methyl-, isobutyl-, propyl- and others)
A class of preservatives commonly used to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold. Parabens are endocrine (or hormone) disruptors, which may alter important hormone mechanisms in our bodies.

Found in: shampoo, face cleanser, body wash, body lotion, foundation.


Ethanolamines (MEA/DEA/TEA)
Surfactants and pH adjuster linked to allergies, skin toxicity, hormone disruption, and inhibited fetal brain development.

Found in: mascara, foundation, fragrances, sunscreens, dry cleaning solvents, paint, pharmaceuticals.


Retinyl palmitate (Vitamin A Palmitate)
Retinyl palmitate is an ingredient in retinol (Vitamin A). Data from an FDA study indicates that retinyl palmitate, when applied to the skin in the presence of sunlight, may result in cancer.

Retinol is prescribed by many dermatologists. 


These are the key ingredients you need to remove now and if you don't know what your products contain, then investigate using the EWG or ThinkDirty apps and replace them with cleaner products. A friend introduced me Beautycounter in 2016 and I am grateful that she took the time to share the company and products. Beautycounter has never put in over 1500 harmful toxins that are in so many other skin and hair care products. 



Eat Your Sun Screen


“You are what you absorb”


What are you feeding your skin?


Ever think about the fact that whatever you put on your skin goes right into you too.


Yep, have a look at your cosmetics and body care products. When I had a look, I had to change!!!!




The skin is the largest organ of elimination and has the ability to absorb whatever you put on it. About 60% of the stuff you apply absorbs into your body, which over the long term can have detrimental effects to your health.


Repeated exposure can accumulate and lead to severe skin irritation, eye damage, neurological problems, kidney and liver damage and potentially various forms of cancer. Sounds like fun, huh…but guess what …when you know better you do better.


Make the simple shift today and ask me about free shipping and your free gift. Click here to have a look at my virtual store and please ask me questions - I'm here to help you live your most vibrant life!!


Have any more questions? Email [email protected]


And if the products do not perform the way you hoped it would, Beautycounter has an amazing return policy: Even if you opened the packaging, you can return the unused portion within 60 days from the ship date!


Also, if you want to save on Beautycounter product purchases, you can join the Band of Beauty membership which is $29/year, and you’ll get awesome perks like:


Free ground shipping on all orders over $125

10% BACK IN PRODUCT CREDIT on all orders for a year. For example, a product order of $125 will earn you $12.50 to spend on your next order (and gets you free shipping)!
Exclusive members-only offers delivered directly to your inbox throughout the year
A welcome gift when you spend $75+


Many times, the welcome gift is worth more than the $29 membership fee itself, so it’s totally worth joining because you end up getting your money back with the free gift! JOIN HERE.


And as you have all heard me say 1000 times, healthy skin starts on the inside!  Taking my daily Juice Plus 4 blend ( 3 blend plus JP plant based omegas, click here and ask me about free kids!!)  has been fabulous for my skin and clinically proven to improve skin - check it out below



Eating your five-a-day of fruit and vegetables will not only keep you healthy and slim, but gives your skin a boost too, according to a new scientific study.


German scientists from the Institute for Experimental Dermatology at the University of Witten-Herdecke, discovered that the participants skin condition drastically improved and appeared thicker and more hydrated, when given a fruit and vegetable concentrate.


The study, published in the new issue of Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, involved two groups of 26 health, middle-aged women. Half of the participants were given a micronutrient food supplement Juice Plus +(R), Fruit Blend and Juice Plus+ (R) Vegetable Blend make primarily of fruit and vegetable juice powder, for twelve weeks using a monocentric, double-blind placebo and randomised controlled design.


The other half were given a placebo capsule twice a day during the study period.


After the participants finished the course of fruit concentrate and placebo capsules, researchers discovered that those who took the fruit concentrate had a 39% increase of microcirculation of the skin, 9% more hydration, 6% increase in thickness and 16% more in density. Those who took the placebo capsule suffered a decrease in all of these.

The results followed an in-depth look into skin density and thickness, measured by ultrasound, and skin hydration, where scientists used a Cornometer(R) to assess transepidermal water loss.

The study found that the skin benefits from an optimal supply of fruit and vegetable-based nutrients and oxygen to facilitate the skin cell metabolism, producing visible skin improvements in hydration, density and thickness.

Read the full report here.




The BEST anti-aging SKIN CARE


We Are Getting Better with Age 

Holy MOLY, you guys. I am beyond excited to share with you Beautycounter’s newest skincare line, Countertime. If you’ve read my posts for a while, you know that I’m obsessed with their products because I can actually feel my skin getting younger and has a glow about it that is awesome!!!

Countertime is an anti-aging skincare line that is legitimately the most impressive skincare that I have ever used. And I’ve tried a LOT of high-end skincare lines over the years and also chatted with my friends that use them too;  including Trish McEvoy, Origins, Colleen Rothschild, Skinceuticals, Ole Henrikson, Boscia, Dr. Brandt, the list goes on and on.

First, if you’ve never heard of Countertime and you have a big interest in anti-aging products, then you’ll want to learn more. It’s currently Beautycounter’s most advanced and innovative line designed to visibly firm, plump, and brighten skin using safer ingredients that are just as effective as some of the conventional anti-aging products on the market without the side effects.

Inspired by Korea’s advanced 10-step skin care routine, the full set includes a step-by-step process, each with a specific purpose that builds on the previous one to ensure optimal performance and results.

What are the key benefits of Countertime?

  • Optimizes hydration to strengthen skin barrier function and support skin elasticity
  • Regenerates skin cells to smooth and refine the surface of the skin
  • Defends against daily environmental stressors (sun, pollutants) by protecting the skin with natural antioxidants
  • The process of aging IS losing hydration and skin being damaged by environmental and internal stressors, and Countertime reduces both of these processes through its advanced formula!

​So, what’s all the buzz about with Countertime?

​There are a few reasons this line is getting a lot of press (and is even being compared to La Mer, a brand whose products each cost hundreds to THOUSANDS of dollars):

It’s extremely high-performing skincare line that is much more affordable than comparable brand. I mean, I can’t personally spend $500+ on a moisturizer!!


Countertime is inspired by Asian skincare. And if you’re into skincare at all, you know they are famous for their routines with oil-based cleansers, essences and, as a result, gorgeous skin!



Beautycounter developed a Retinatural Complex, which is plant-derived, using Bakuchiol and Swiss Alpine Rose. (More on those below.) These two ingredients give results like retinol but are safer options.

What’s especially impressive about Countertime’s hero ingredient, the Retinatural Complex, is that it’s in every product in the line. Most high-end skincare lines have a hero ingredient, but it’s only in one of the products, e.g. in a serum or moisturizer. Not in a cleanser. Not in a toner. But Beautycounter includes it in every product, which is likely part of the reason why I saw such impressive results.
I really like to know why and how things works so I explain a lot of the ingredients in this post. If you’re not into that, skip it and order your Beautycounter Countertime today!!!

What’s wrong with retinol?
Retinol is a go-to ingredient in most anti-aging skincare products, but Beautycounter has it on their Never List due to potential safety concerns. As you may know, Beautycounter doesn’t take risks when it comes to ingredient selection. And since some studies show that retinoic acid can have harmful side effects (like irritating skin and making skin more sensitive to the sun’s damaging rays), they don’t use it.

So what makes Countertime so special?

It using Bakuchiol and Swiss Alpine Rose in each Countertime product (not just one or two, like I mentioned above). And what are those?

Bakuchiol is traditionally used in Chinese and Ayurvedic skin-care remedies. It produces similar results as retinol (improving fine lines and dullness) without irritation. Bakuchiol is the new “it” ingredient in skincare, so you’ll be seeing this a lot in high-end brands.

Swiss Alpine Rose is grown at the highest altitudes of the Alps and is known for its ability to protect itself against environmental stressors. How does this relate to your skin? It helps your skin defend itself against dehydration and also helps boost skin’s defense against free radicals.

These two ingredients makeup their hero product – Retinatural Complex – to visually plump and firm skin, while also increasing it’s resilience to damages.




What products are in the Countertime line?



Lipid Defense Cleansing Oil

This product is cool and a little different from other cleansing oils as it isn't a foaming cleanser, it's just an oil. You apply the (very lightweight) oil to dry skin, massaging it into your face. Then, you wet your hands and massage your face again and it turns into a milky cleanser before you rinse it off.  It contains vitamin E and essential fatty acids, which are amazing for the integrity of skin and skin’s moisture barrier.  
My skin feel SO clean without feeling stripped AT ALL. (It can also be used to remove eye makeup – and even gets off the toughest waterproof mascara!)

Mineral Boost Hydrating Essence

I never used an essence before this but I’m hooked. It feels a little bit like a toner, but essence has higher levels of active ingredients to increase hydration, reduce the appearance of pores, and improve dullness.. It’s also a little thicker and milkier.
I can feel a difference in my skin’s hydration right after applying it – and that’s not always the case with toners and they also have things like witch hazel and alcohol sprays in them. In the Beautycounter essence it contains mineral enriched deep seawater sourced from island in France to boost better moisture retention!
It also contains fermented sugars to boost hydration, minimize the appearance of pores, and allows moisturizers in the next steps be better absorbed by the skin. 

And rather than rubbing it into your skin or applying it with a cotton pad, you pour a little into your hand (dime-sized) and then press it into skin. I love the smell of this product especially!

Tripeptide Radiance Serum

This serum increases firmness and improves elasticity  due to the peptides (giving skin that youthful snap back when you press it) while reducing fine lines (yes!). It goes on so smoothly and absorbs quickly.

 It works by binding to the free radicals and stabilizing them so they don’t cause damage to the skin. 

Free radicals, which are unavoidable in the air and environment, cause cell decay and dysfunction, causing our skin to break down. With the peptides in this serum, our skin can repair faster and keep its radiance. Another important ingredient in this serum is amino acids, which also protects our skin from environmental stressors. ​​

Antioxidant Soft Cream (Day)

Not only does this product contain fermented sugars which helps skin optimize hydration, it also contains Nasturtium Flower Extract which protects skin from oxidative damage and drying environmental stressors all throughout the day. This ingredient is unique to just this product in the whole line! 

Tetrapeptide Supreme Cream (Night)

The night cream is UNBELIEVABLE. And I am VERY picky about night creams. I like them to be thick without feeling greasy. The texture of this is incredible – it’s like a thick frosting but applies so smoothly and absorbs easily. It’s almost bouncy…not creamy like other night lotions. Despite the extra thick texture (which I personally love), it doesn’t feel heavy. And I only use a TINY amount. A little bit goes a LONG way.
Not only does it contain fermented sugars like in the previous products, it also contains tetrapeptide (more peptides than the serum!) to smooth the skin surface, increase skin elasticity, minimize lines, boost firmness.  ​

Ultra Renewal Eye Cream


This eye cream contains a special ingredient: Persian Silk Tree Extract, which has been clinically proven to brighten the under-eye area. The reason this area is so sensitive to puffiness, darkening, and wrinkles is because the skin there is thinner than the rest of the face. This special ingredient, along with the Retinatural complex  diminishes puffiness, reduces crows feet, and brightens the area through hydration. 

My top picks
If I was only going to get ONE product, I’d go for the night cream.
If I was going to get two, I’d go for the cleansing oil next.
Then I’d get essence.
But the line works best as a complete regimen and you’ll get the best results when it’s all used together. You can pick up the whole set here and let me know if you would also like a discount and free shipping, plus a free gift!!!

What type of skin it’s best for

Mature Skin

This is THE line I’ll recommend to people who want help reducing the signs of aging – fine lines, dullness, elasticity, etc. It costs more than Rejuvenating (which I used previously) because it has more active ingredients, meaning you’ll see more results. You also get more product since the containers are larger than the Rejuvenating ones.

Dry Skin

This line WILL be a game changer for anyone with dry skin or anyone living in a very dry climate.

What about oily/combo/normal skin?


It is designed to work well for all skin types (yes, even oily) but depending on your skin needs and goals, there may be another line that’s better for you. Shoot me an email if you have questions or are unsure ​​​and you can keep reading here if you would like even more information about having the best skin ever!!!



Why is Beautycounter’s Countertime line different than other anti-aging lines?


While Countertime rivals some of the top anti-aging products on the market, it’s actually very unique and innovative in the ingredients it uses (and does NOT use). The biggest way it stands out is that not only is it amazingly effective in firming and brightening skin, it uses SAFER ingredients without harmful side effects and irritation!


1. Does NOT use retinol


Retinol is the collective term for a group of vitamin A derivatives used in the skincare and cosmetics industry to exfoliate skin, promote cell turnover, heal acne, and smooth fine lines. It’s in MANY anti-aging products, as well as foundations, concealers, sunscreens, and even hand sanitizers.




What’s little known about retinol is that it actually comes with harmful side effects and multiple animal studies have shown tumor growth at very low doses.

Retinyl palmitate seems to be the most troubling derivative of vitamin A and one of the most prevalent in skincare and cosmetics. The EWG ranks retinyl palmitate as a 9, nearly the highest hazard ranking in their 1-10 database, based off or several studies linking this ingredient to increased cancer risk. 

Even FDA considers retinyl palmitate a KNOWN human carcinogen as well, yet they have yet to ban it from US products. At the same time, both the EU and Canada have restricted the use of retinol because of these risk factors!

Not only that, retinol can really damage and inflame the skin by drying it out and irritating it to the point of flakiness and redness. This is because the retinol makes skin cell turnover way too fast, pushing it to sensitivity and dryness. It’s also habit forming and you just keep needing more of it overtime. a


2. Uses Bakuchiol + Swiss Alpine Rose instead (Retinatrual Complex)

Instead of retinol, Beautycounter’s Countertime uses something called Retinatural Complex, a plant-based formulation with 2 unique ingredients: Bakuchiol and Swiss Alpine Rose. This formula is contained ALL of the products in the Countertime line.



Traditionally used in Chinese and Ayurvedic skin-care remedies, Bakuchiol is a plant that has all the benefits that retinol provides without the cancer risks and irritation! It has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as antibacterial properties. It’s also ranked as 1 on the EWG, making it a safe ingredient to use, even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.



Grown at the highest altitudes of the Alps, this flower is known for its ability to protect itself against environmental stressors like dehydration and helps boost skin’s antioxidant defense. This protection is essential for keeping our skin young and firm by shielding it from these cell-damaging components we face everyday.


Combining these 2 plant-derived ingredients, the Retinatural Complex:

promotes healthy barrier function to maintain the skin’s natural hydration levels and increase elasticity.
visibly plumps and firms the skin by boosting collagen.
improves resilience by protecting the skin from oxidative stress and cell damage.


3. Does not use PEGs, petroleum, or mineral oils


Many moisturizers and creams are made with PEGs, petroleum, and mineral oils. These are ingredients that are on Beautycounter’s Never List because they contain carcinogens.

They are rapidly absorbed into our bloodstreams and cause estrogen dominance and hormonal imbalance. This is because they contain xenoestrogens, chemicals which cause hormone disruption by raising the levels of estrogen in the body. This imbalance is linked to infertility, menstrual problems, accelerated aging, allergies and autoimmune problems as well as nutrient deficiencies, sleep problems and even some types of cancers.

Not only that, these petroleum-based compounds are a crude-oil byproduct and the environmental impact of petroleum is toxic to almost all forms of life and its extraction fuels climate change.

For these reasons, I’m so glad Countertime doesn’t contain these harmful ingredients so popular in conventional skincare.


4. Sustainable glass packaging


Countertime line products all come in glass packaging and I’m so thrilled about this! Glass is recycled more easily than plastic and does not emit harmful materials as it degrades—which plastic does. They source their glass containers from North America, which means fewer greenhouse gas emissions from shipping products across the ocean. 

Transitioning the Countertime line from plastic to glass will reduce the line’s greenhouse gas footprint by an estimated 38%. How cool is that?


FAQs about Beautycounter’s Countertime


With all the hype and promise of great results, I know I’ll get several questions about this product so I’m going to answer several of them here. I do suggest you read through the post above since I do answer a lot of potential questions you may have about the line.

And if you have any more that I didn’t answer below, leave me a comment below!

What type of skin is it for?

Countertime works for ALL skin tones, but especially those concerned with aging or drier skin over the age of 25 (that’s when the process of aging starts!). If you do have oilier or acne-prone skin, I do recommend you switching the Countertime Lipid Defense Cleansing Oil with something like Countercontrol Clear Pore Cleanser.


Is the line scented?


The only products that are lightly scented are Countertime Lipid Defense Cleansing Oil and the Countertime Mineral Boost Hydrating Essence. I found the cleansing oil a bit stronger smelling than the essence but it’s actually a pleasant scent. Since Beautycounter NEVER uses chemical fragrances, these products are scented with a blend of rose and geranium.


Is it safer during pregnancy/breastfeeding?


Yes and unlike conventional anti-aging products, there are no harmful ingredients like retinol. With that being said, pregnancy is different for everyone so consult with your doctor before starting out this regimen. I would also do spot test before incorporating the entire regimen, since hormones make your skin do crazy things!


Can I still use the Overnight Resurfacing Peel with Countertime?


Yes, but you’ll find that you won’t need it in the same frequency as you used to. While Countertime protects and hydrates your skin, the peel is amazing for cell turnover and exfoliation. Since your skin has better protection from environmental damages and is absorbing products better with Countertime, you can probably reduce the use of the peel to once a week which I have been doing.

To incorporate the peel into Countertime, use it after the Countertime Lipid Defense Cleansing Oil and in place of Countertime Mineral Boost Hydrating Essence and Countertime Tripeptide Radiance Serum. You can then follow with Countertime Tetrapeptide Supreme Cream since you’ll be using the peel during your evening routing anyway.


Can I still use facial oils?


Of course! I love Beautycounter’s facial oils and they have been a part of my daily routine for over a year now. However, since Countertime’s products are specifically designed to build upon each other, I would add apply the oil at the end.


Will it sensitize you or dry you out?


No, since there aren’t many active ingredients in Countertime and no retinol, you don’t have to worry about this! It’ll keep consistently working to provide hydration and protection for your skin while keep it supple, firm, and radiant.


Can I use it if I have rosacea or sensitive skin?


Yes, the Countertime products are gentle enough for those with skin issues or sensitive skin since there are not many sensitizing ingredients. However, I do advise that you step into it gently, swapping out one product at a time and making sure that each product doesn’t cause any issues

Why is Countertime more expensive than the previous anti-aging line, Rejuvenating?

Countertime lasts longer than the Rejuvenating line and is even more effective! You don’t have to use as much product with Countertime (a little goes a long way) and four of six products actually have larger fills than the comparable products in the Rejuvenating line. Countertime was also formulated with a higher concentration of active ingredients in order to achieve the desired results.

Also, transitioning from plastic to more sustainable glass packaging has increased the price point a bit as well.


How long will the entire line last?


The entire collection, when used everyday day and night, should last a LONG time (I’m thinking 6 months+!). Like I said, this bottles contain A LOT of product and a little goes a long way so expect to use them for a while before having to stock up!


Have any more questions? Email [email protected]


If you are ready to try out the Countertime products yourself, click here. And if the products do not perform the way you hoped it would, Beautycounter has an amazing return policy: Even if you opened the packaging, you can return the unused portion within 60 days from the ship date!


Also, if you want to save on Beautycounter product purchases, you can join the Band of Beauty membership which is $29/year, and you’ll get awesome perks like:


Free ground shipping on all orders over $125

10% BACK IN PRODUCT CREDIT on all orders for a year. For example, a product order of $125 will earn you $12.50 to spend on your next order (and gets you free shipping)!
Exclusive members-only offers delivered directly to your inbox throughout the year
A welcome gift when you spend $75+


Many times, the welcome gift is worth more than the $29 membership fee itself, so it’s totally worth joining because you end up getting your money back with the free gift! JOIN HERE.


And as you have all heard me say 1000 times, healthy skin starts on the inside!  Taking my daily Juice Plus 4 blend ( 3 blend plus JP plant based omegas, click here and ask me about free kids!!)  has been fabulous for my skin and clinically proven to improve skin - check it out below



Eating your five-a-day of fruit and vegetables will not only keep you healthy and slim, but gives your skin a boost too, according to a new scientific study.


German scientists from the Institute for Experimental Dermatology at the University of Witten-Herdecke, discovered that the participants skin condition drastically improved and appeared thicker and more hydrated, when given a fruit and vegetable concentrate.


The study, published in the new issue of Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, involved two groups of 26 health, middle-aged women. Half of the participants were given a micronutrient food supplement Juice Plus +(R), Fruit Blend and Juice Plus+ (R) Vegetable Blend make primarily of fruit and vegetable juice powder, for twelve weeks using a monocentric, double-blind placebo and randomised controlled design.


The other half were given a placebo capsule twice a day during the study period.


After the participants finished the course of fruit concentrate and placebo capsules, researchers discovered that those who took the fruit concentrate had a 39% increase of microcirculation of the skin, 9% more hydration, 6% increase in thickness and 16% more in density. Those who took the placebo capsule suffered a decrease in all of these.

The results followed an in-depth look into skin density and thickness, measured by ultrasound, and skin hydration, where scientists used a Cornometer(R) to assess transepidermal water loss.

The study found that the skin benefits from an optimal supply of fruit and vegetable-based nutrients and oxygen to facilitate the skin cell metabolism, producing visible skin improvements in hydration, density and thickness.

Read the full report here.



The sun is coming out soon and so are the chemicals!!!  While you do need to protect your skin, you do not need to slather on lotions filled with chemicals that are now shown to increase your chance of disease. 


Your skin is a second mouth! We now today that your skin absorbs 80% of what you apply to it. Rethinking what we feed ourselves and our skin will help us to create more health in our lives!!!


Healthy skin starts from the inside, so by choosing to eat more plants you are protecting yourself and then choosing sun protection products that are not laced with chemicals.


Once upon a time we did not have these amazing options, but now we do! 


Eat your Sunscreen


Sunburn is a type of inflammation. If our diet contains little amounts of anti-inflammatory foods, it’s easier for us to get burned. Diet has a tremendous impact on the body when it comes to inflammation and our current diet is failing us miserably in so many ways. Upping your intake of anti-inflammatory foods will not only boost your resistance to UV rays but will also improve overall health. There are many conditions that can be healed and improved by “eating your sunscreen”.


Before I fill you in with the sunscreen foods....


I’ve long been fed up with the ingredients in sunscreen for as long as I can remember and was always on the search for a better sunscreen - found it - check it out here. I have always felt that sunscreen does more harm than good and the more I researched this, the more I found that exposure to the sun isn’t the problem (it’s actually a benefit) if you feed your skin the right nutrients to get it ready for sun exposure.


The sun isn’t the problem!!  I'm not talking about slathering on the baby oil and laying out for 6 hours in the baking sun (yup - used to do that when I was a teen and sat under a sun lamp - yikes!!!) but I didn't know better back then. Over the course of the last 15 years on my search for vibrant health I've learned to take a different approach. I get safe sun exposure and protect my skin from the inside out. (And of course, cover up or get out of the sun when my skin has had enough!) and use the best sunscreen I have found so far in my search. 


Sun Isn’t the Enemy

There seems to be an underlying idea that sun exposure = skin cancer and that sunscreen = protection from skin cancer.

But the research doesn’t back this up.

In fact, it may suggest the opposite.

Think about this: Skin cancer rates are rising despite more sunscreen use and reduced sun exposure in recent decades.

Science backs up this approach. 


A 2016 review in the journal Dermato-Endocrinology concluded that while prevention of skin cancer is important, being afraid of the sun isn’t a good answer. From their findings:


This review considers the studies that have shown a wide range health benefits from sun/UV exposure. These benefits include among others various types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer disease/dementia, myopia and macular degeneration, diabetes and multiple sclerosis. The message of sun avoidance must be changed to acceptance of non-burning sun exposure sufficient to achieve serum 25(OH)D concentration of 30 ng/mL or higher in the sunny season and the general benefits of UV exposure beyond those of vitamin D. (emphasis added)

This is the reason I don’t avoid the sun, but rather make a point to get sun exposure every day. I also avoid sunscreen for the most part, and just get out of the sun or cover up when I have had enough sun exposure for the day.



How I Eat My Sunscreen - Foods that prevent Sunburn and Contain natural SPF


My poor diet of the past (too many refined carbs, see my book Cookie Dough in the Dark!!) had a negative effect on my skin, hair, nails and overall health and mood and it wasn't until I realized how my diet was affecting my health so negatively that I decided to dig deep into researching ways to increase my health.


My research lead me to how to eat for better skin and protection from the sun. Fortunately,  diet and lifestyle factors that are good for the skin have great benefits for general health as well. BRAVO!!!


Note: This is what worked for me and is in no way medical or dermatological advice. Please do you own research, know your own skin, and find what works best for you.


Here’s how I prepare my skin for safe sun exposure:


1. Eat Real Whole Food With Enough Good Fats


A large part of my natural sun protection is eating an anti-inflammatory diet which has provides the proper building blocks for healthy skin and reduces inflammation.


I worked on upping my veggies big time and also added this whole food supplement which allows me to easily get up to 45 non-gmo plants every day, check out the one simple thing I did here.


I focus on making sure that my diet is high in micronutrients from vegetables, plant based omegas and monounsaturated and saturated fats from plant and animal sources.



Upping my veggies and healthy fats have absolutely helped my skin and to protect me from the sun.

Also, let's keep it real, I had to put on my big girl pants and reduce or in some cases drastically cut the following from my diet as well. 



  • processed foods
  • vegetable oils (this is the most important for sun exposure)
  • grains
  • sugars


I focus on consuming:

healthy sources of saturated fats like coconut oil and avocados and monounsaturated fats
foods rich in omega-3s and take my Juice Plus+ plant based omega
lots of leafy greens

fermented foods


This is something that is also beneficial but haven't made it a consistent habit yet>>>> add 2+ tablespoons of tomato paste daily but we do eat a lot of tomatoes!!


Not getting your 13 minimum daily servings of fruits, veggies and berries - here is the simple shift I use daily to bridge the gap. 


2. Eat Antioxidants


Just by avoiding grains and omega-6 oils as well as focusing on healthy proteins, fats, and vegetables, your diet will be higher in antioxidants than the standard American diet. Even real food “treats” like berries and dark chocolate are packed with antioxidants. Ask my about the Skinny on Chocolate party!!!

Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and free radicals. Research has shown a strong protective effect of antioxidants against inflammation and skin damage.

I also added the Juice Plus+ Vineyard Blend which has clinical studies showing that it improves your skin. Read here, and here




3. Extras


• 5,000+ IU of Vitamin D3 with K2

• Astaxanthin– An antioxidant that offers natural UV protection over time 

• Lots of coconut oil, at least ¼ cup. I cook with it, add it to tea (blended in black tea), add it to smoothies, or just eat a spoonful



Do I Recommend Sunscreen?


Welllll….yes and no. A lot of sunscreens are quite toxic and definitely cause more harm than good. The only sunscreen I have ever recommended to others is this one.

According to The Environment Working Group, it’s by far the cleanest and purest sunscreen on the market. It’s also very effective.


Quality is key when it comes to your health. Please ask me about getting the right supplements, food and skin care so that you can upgrade your health and protect yourself from disease!






Are you properly protecting yourself from the sun without the chemicals?


I stopped using sunscreen years ago because I didn't want the toxic load from the chemicals seeping into my bloodstream. But now, I'm so excited that I have found something that my family, clients, friends and I can use. 





I love knowing that now my sunscreen acts as a barrier reflecting the sun's ray as opposed to absorbing into my skin, therefore bloodstream. Beautycounter uses minerals that are antioxidant rich therefore reducing aging, wrinkles while protecting my skin from the sun. 


All of their sunscreens protect you against UVB, UVA and Blue Light and are formulated with non-nano zinc and California Poppy providing you with antioxidant rich protection that glides on smoothly without the white residue. 





SPF = Sun Protection Factor SPF is the measurement for defense from UVB rays

– SPF 15 = blocks 93% of UVB rays

– SPF 30 = blocks 97% of UVB rays

– SPF 50 = blocks 98% of UVB rays

An effective sunscreen must have a Broad Spectrum claim. Broad Spectrum is the statement that ensures defense against UVA, aging rays and UVB, burning rays.


UVB are the rays that lead to sunburn. On average, five sunburns at any age doubles one’s risk for melanoma.*


UVA = Aging sun rays. While UVA is almost undetectable because these rays do not change the color of the skin, they do penetrate deeper into the dermis of the skin, where they cause free-radical damage that leads to skin aging. UVA rays are equally intense no matter the season, AND they penetrate clouds and glass.


One ray that is becoming top of mind as we spend more and more time in front of computers, smart phones and tablets is Blue Light. Blue Light is a trendy topic in the technology realm, but, Blue Light is actually everywhere. When outside, light from the sun travels through the atmosphere. The shorter, high energy blue wavelengths that make up Blue Light, collide with the air molecules, causing blue light to scatter. This is in fact what makes the sky look blue.


Order Yours TODAY


Its skin-aging effects can potentially be as much of a concern as those caused by UVA & UVB. The latest research suggests it may damage skin proteins and lipids. When these are damaged, signs of age like loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation are possible.


We use a physical sunscreen, which are also known as mineral or inorganic sunscreens. Specifically, we formulate with non-nano zinc oxide, that works by reflecting and bouncing UV rays.



Order Yours TODAY



For incidental sun exposure, less than an hour all day, it’s best to use Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 20 to give a sheer amount of makeup coverage while still getting the benefit of all over sunscreen. If desired, clients can then layer on their favorite foundation, like Tint Skin Moisturizing Foundation, and other makeup products. Keep in mind, Dew Skin is not recommended for prolonged sun exposure. If you’re going to the beach or spending more than an hour in direct sunlight, it’s best to use your preferred Countersun Mineral Sunscreen Stick, Spray or Mist.




Yes! Even when you can’t see the sun, UVA/UVB rays are still there. In fact, UVA rays, the ones responsible for aging, can reach your skin through clouds, smog and glass. It’s important to create a healthy habit and apply sunscreen daily, no matter what the weather report says, to ensure you’re protected.


No, sunscreen is only as protective as the highest level of SPF applied. If you apply an SPF 30 sunscreen and then layer your SPF 15 foundation, you will not achieve an SPF 45. In this case, an SPF 30 sunscreen plus an SPF 15 foundation yields the SPF 30 protection.


I’m a wife and mum, personal trainer, fitness/pilates instructor, Behaviour Change Specialist, Nutrition Coach, Pain-Free Movement Specialist, author of Cookie Dough in the Dark, creator of Vibrant Living Membership - your ONE STOP shop for movement + nutrition + mindset..... among many other things!!  I’ve had many issues dealing with the scale going up and down, a muffin top that wouldn’t disappear, emotional eating binges that did not involve carrots and struggling with insecurity! Through all of this I just wanted to feel normal. I wanted to be happy like everyone else!

In my teens and 20’s I wanted the quick fixes, the magic pills, the fairy dust – whatever I could get my hands on to make me a lean, happy and sexy machine. Yup, found out it doesn’t exist. I wanted to cry!! I was so frustrated. I felt like I was going around and around until I was completely exhausted and back at the starting point. And when I talk with other women they feel that way too. So, I delved further into holistic health – the emotional, mental and physical – wrote a book, and have been in this field for many years helping 1000’s of women.

I discovered that by being smarter, not working harder, I could get the results I wanted and also for my clients. It started with some really small shifts that I will share with you over time. With this new knowledge, I felt ALIVE, VIBRANT and COMFORTABLE in my own skin. And my clients felt this way too!

My mission is to continue to help women step into the body they WANT. To feel confident & sexy, in control of their food choices and have their clothes fit just as they should while having the energy to live a VIBRANT life.


Ready to elevate your health? As a certified Behaviour Change & Nutrition Coach, I'd be happy to chat with you. Contact me at [email protected].

Healthy hugs,




I look forward to seeing you inside the 5 day stronger to the core challenge

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